Got Control?


I want to talk about health insurance today.  Health insurance can be really great.  I always carry a health insurance policy for my family.  Most years we pay more for the policy than we benefit (often much, much more), but it helps protect us against being unable to pay for a catastrophic health problem.  It is important to have.

BUT, and this is a big but, health insurance is imperfect.  It doesn’t always pay for what you need it to pay for.  I see this daily in my practice.  Some insurance policies cover chiropractic care, some don’t, and some only cover it after you’ve met your deductible for the year.  My piece of advice is to not let your insurance company dictate your health care.  You won’t be any healthier if you do.   One of the great benefits of chiropractic care is that it is relatively inexpensive compared to visits to other types of practitioners.  Often times the difference between using your health insurance and paying out of pocket for visits is only $10-$15.

Who is in charge of your health?  Your insurance company?  No way – don’t let them be.  The best thing to do is be proactive about your health instead of reactive.  Insurance doesn’t always cover proactive measures.  Think about things like eating nutritious food and exercising.  These aren’t covered by your insurance, but are essential to good health.  Chiropractic care is often the same.  Just because the cost isn’t always fully covered, it doesn’t mean it isn’t essential for your health and the proper functioning of your body.

You do your part by being proactive about your health, and I will do my part to help you get better quickly.