All posts by scottserr

Inflammation and Your Health

Researchers have identified inflammation as one of the most beneficial and harmful processes in your body. How is that possible? Well, acute inflammation is your body’s natural repair and healing response to an accident or injury. Chronic inflammation is a different matter. Many major diseases, including coronary artery disease, diabetes, and cancer have a common cause: chronic inflammation.

All the systems in your body are balanced and regulated by your hormones and nervous system. This balance, or intelligent design, can activate your immune system to fight a cold or heal after a fall. However, if lymphocytes keep producing antibodies, this process can become very destructive. The key to good health and reducing chronic inflammation is to make daily lifestyle choices that don’t result in a constant state of stress, which is known to be a trigger for chronic inflammation.

  • Acute inflammation is your body’s natural healing response, while chronic inflammation is a destructive process linked to many chronic diseases
  • Lymphocytes are white blood cells that are responsible for your immune system
  • Making healthy decisions each day around your stress level can help your nervous system maintain a balance that reduces chronic inflammation

The decisions you make now will determine your health later. Your body is designed to manage stress effectively; chronic inflammation only begins as a last resort. We want you to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and a high quality of life for years to come. If you have questions about how you can reduce the stress in your life, please ask! I’m here to be your partner in health.


Science Source:
Inflammation: A unifying theory of disease. Harvard Health. 2006.

What Is Inflammation?

If you’ve ever cut your finger or twisted your ankle, then you have first-hand experience with
inflammation. The redness, swelling, pain and heat are all hallmarks of the inflammatory
process. In some ways, this is the first step of the healing process as your body begins to repair
the injured tissue. However, there is another side to inflammation that can be extremely
damaging to your overall health…chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the body is unable to complete the healing process. Your
immune system may continue to produce white blood cells that create oxidative stress for
months or even years. This long-term stress, or chronic inflammation, has been linked to
diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Some of the risk factors for developing
chronic inflammation include smoking, obesity, poor diet, stress and sleep disorders.

  • Chronic inflammation is a long-term inflammation that can last for months or years.
  • Reducing stress through exercise and diet can help reduce chronic inflammation and create a healthier you.
  • Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease have been linked to chronic inflammation

You can reduce or eliminate chronic inflammation naturally with a few simple steps.
Researchers have discovered that daily exercise and weight loss can cause a dramatic
reduction in chronic inflammation. Additionally, reducing the stress on your muscles and joints
through Chiropractic care may provide additional benefits on your way to curbing chronic inflammation.

Performing Your Best

You don’t need to be a pro athlete to desire to perform your best, but the link between Chiropractic and performance was discovered by some of the most popular athletes in the world. The difference between winning and losing is often razor thin, and athletes are always on the lookout for anything that can help them perform their best. What used to be a secret of athletes like Babe Ruth over 60 years ago has now become the standard for nearly every professional sports team. Chiropractic care is a crucial part of the team, helping athletes stay in the game and perform their best.

Performing your best starts with feeling good. You can’t perform your best while in pain, and Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to reduce discomfort. Over the past 10 years, researchers have seen some exciting benefits of Chiropractic care, including the potential for improved strength and balance. Recent studies have started to examine how Chiropractic adjustments can positively impact the central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord). Researchers refer to these as changes in cortical drive and biochemical markers – we call it awesome!

  • Nearly every professional sports team has a Chiropractor on staff to help the athletes achieve their best performance.
  • Strength (or cortical drive) has been shown to increase for a short time following a Chiropractic adjustment.
  • The chemistry of the brain, or biochemical markers (such as oxytocin and neurotensin) can change as a result of an adjustment.

Part of performing your best is having an excellent healthcare team behind you. I hope you will retain a Chiropractor as an integral member of your personal healthcare team!

The effects of a single session of spinal manipulation on strength and cortical drive in athletes.
European journal of Applied Physiology. 2018
Changes in biochemical markers following spinal manipulation-a systematic review and metaanalysis. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2017

Injury Prevention

Have you ever been excited to start a new exercise program, shed a few pounds, and get into shape? It’s incredible, until about 2-3 weeks in when you suffer an injury, take a few days off and then never quite get back on track. Does this story sound familiar? You’re not alone. It happens all the time. So lets take a look at how you can get active, reach your goals, and avoid those pesky injuries during those first few weeks.

While it’s impossible to avoid every potential injury, a balance of spinal strength and flexibility can help dramatically reduce your likelihood of getting injured. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was your body. Long term strength is built through repetition. While there is a time and a place for loading with max weight, if you are just getting started in a workout routine, it’s usually best to start slow by using lighter weights and working towards increasing your repetitions. Flexibility is the second key to staying injury free. Whether you are stretching during long work hours at the computer, practicing yoga on the weekends, or using chiropractic care to improve your spinal ( and extremity range of motion), it’s essential to view flexibility as a journey rather than a destination. Every day that you take a proactive step with your strength and flexibility, you are reducing the chance of an injury, making progress towards your goals, and living a healthier life.

  • stretching can improve your flexibility and decrease your chance of injury
  • dynamic (or movement based) warm-ups have been shown to potentially enhance performance
  • strength training can improve your resilience and prepare your body for activity

I understand that everybody has unique health goals. If you have a specific question about injury prevention based on the activities you love, ask! I believe by taking a proactive approach to your health and wellness, you can have a more inspired and fulfilling life, and I’ll be here for you every step of the way!

Mayo Clinic: Stretching: Focus on Flexibility. 2017

Stress and Weight

A recent research study found over 75% of people experience at least a moderate amount of
stress every day!

Chronic stress is not fun to deal with, but did you know it can also affect your weight?

When you are stressed your body goes into survival (or “fight or flight”) mode which changes
your hormonal balance. You don’t need to be running from a saber tooth tiger to enter fight or
flight mode. Even everyday events like traffic and stress at work can cause you to have that
physiological response.

Recent research suggests that chronic stress can result in:

  • high blood pressure
  • changes in your brain
  • weight gain

When you are stressed out, it is more likely that you will over-eat and less likely that you will get
enough sleep and exercise. Stress causes your body to release cortisol, a hormone that can
produce a build-up of fatty tissue and cause weight gain. Cortisol increases both your appetite
and the amount of fat the body stores. By recognizing your stressors, and engaging in a few
simple relaxation techniques, you can learn to reduce your body’s natural stress response.

  • The hormone Cortisol is released in response to stress and increases your blood sugar.
  • Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels.
  • An association has been found between increased cortisol levels and obesity

What can you do?

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or even simple breathing exercises can help
your body counter the stress response. Also, exercise has been shown to decrease stress
levels substantially.

The next time you are feeling stressed out, take a moment to breathe a few deep breaths and
try to get some exercise into your schedule that day. Not only will you feel better mentally, but
your body will be able to reduce the amount of Cortisol produced which will limit your body’s fat storage and help curb any thoughts of over-eating. Staying fit and trim does start in your head!

Science Source(s):
Hair Cortisol and Adiposity in a Population‐Based Sample of 2,527 Men and Women Aged 54 to
87 Years. Obesity 2017

Sugar: The Lean Body Exterminator

If you have a sweet tooth, you know it can be difficult to avoid sugary foods like pastries, candy,
or even soda. Which sugary food is your weakness?

Researchers have proven that sugar is a key contributor to weight gain. But how?

Well, sugar is made up of two molecules: glucose and fructose. Glucose is what your body uses
for energy. Fructose, on the other hand, is a molecule that your liver turns to fat and is a key
contributor to weight gain and disease.

When you eat a lot of sugar, it causes your blood glucose to rise, which can be toxic. So your
body produces insulin to get the glucose out of your blood and into the cells to be used for
energy. Over time, your body can actually build a resistance to insulin which means that your
pancreas works harder to create the same balance. When the resistance to insulin reaches a
critical point, it can result in type II diabetes. But first, your body begins storing an
overabundance of fat in your fat cells. The worst part? Not only do you start “gaining weight” but your body has a tough time getting the energy out of the fat cells, which means your brain thinks you are hungry, and you eat even more. What a vicious cycle!

  • Excess sugar can lead to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain.
  • Eating sugary foods can result in your body storing away more fat.
  • Sugar can trick your brain into thinking it’s still hungry (even after you’ve eaten a full meal).

Staying fit and healthy can be challenging, but we’re here for you. How you choose to eat is one
of the most important aspects of living a healthy life. When you make good choices about how
you eat, how you move, and how you think – you are set up for a healthy life.

Science Source(s):
Sugar Consumption, Metabolic Disease and Obesity: The State of the Controversy. Crit Rev
Clin Lab Sci. 2016

Back Facts to Keep You Active

Nothing can slow you down faster than a bad back. It can be difficult to exercise, play sports, or even get to the grocery store when your back hurts. Age, lack of exercise, excess weight, improper lifting, and too many hours sitting can all result in low back pain. Research has shown that over 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life. The good news? Researchers have found that Chiropractic care can not only help get you back on track after an injury, but it could also help prevent future episodes of low back pain from occurring.

Your spine is a marvel of engineering and design. The curves in your neck, mid-back, and low back distribute the load of gravity just like Roman architecture. The spinal discs act as a natural shock absorption system that is both strong and flexible. And winding its way through it all is our spinal cord and nerve roots, the magnificent communication system within our body. Keeping your back healthy is much more important than just avoiding aches and pains. A stable and supported back is essential to maintaining a high quality of life. Here are a few take away

  • The nervous system is protected and housed within your spinal column
  • Back pain is often caused by the muscles or discs of the spine
  • Chiropractic care has been shown to help over 90% of people find relief from back pain, while also providing a statistically significant improvement in function

Doctors can assess the “health” of your spine through a physical exam looking at range of motion, strength, and posture. By periodically checking your spine, we can help you take a proactive approach to your spinal health. Research has shown that maintenance Chiropractic care can help evaluate, detect, and prevent future episodes of low back pain. And, as you now know, spinal health is directly associated with living your best life!

Science Source(s):

A Nonsurgical Approach to the Management of Patients with Lumbar Radiculopathy Secondary to Herniated Disk: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study with Follow-Up. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2009

Does Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain Result in Better Long-Term Outcome? SPINE. 2011

How Sitting Can Ruin Your Back

Our bodies are designed to move! Many of us however, are trapped commuting to work or spending long hours at a desk staring at a computer screen. For all of the advantages of the modern world, we have noticed an increase in sedentary tendencies. Shockingly, this mostly sedentary lifestyle has been linked to a vast array of diseases. Researchers have found too much sitting each day is as dangerous as smoking! Yes, it’s true. Too much time sitting may be one of our most challenging health epidemics.

Long hours of sitting each day wreak havoc on the muscles and support system of your low back. The deep stabilizing muscles of your low back atrophy and your hamstrings shorten, or become tight. When your spine doesn’t have strong stabilizing muscles, you are more likely to have an injury. After an injury, many of us slow down our activity even more. It’s a vicious cycle! But, you have the power to stop this cycle with a combination of chiropractic care and exercise. Here are a few pointers:

  • Too much sitting is now considered as dangerous as smoking
  • Our bodies are designed to move
  • Sedentary lifestyles can lead to many diseases, but exercise and chiropractic care can halt may of these challenges

Considering the dangers of too much sitting, you should take every opportunity you can to stay active throughout the day. Standing desks are a fantastic way to change positions and keep your back healthy while still getting work done on the computer. Also, taking short breaks each hour to stretch or walk around the office (or your house) is a great way to increase your energy level and engage the muscles supporting your low back. If you are technologically savvy,
there are even wearable devices available you can program to give you a small vibration as a reminder that it’s time to stand up and to get moving!

Science Source:
Traditional and Emerging Lifestyle Risk Behaviors and All-Cause Mortality in Middle-Aged and Older Adults:Evidence from a Large Population-Based Australian Cohort. December 2015

Bad Disk Slowing You Down?

Spinal discs play an essential role in your low back, acting as small shock absorbers and giving you the ability to move in many different directions. Your discs are comprised of two major parts: an outer ring of cartilage, which provides support, and a jelly-like center that facilitates motion. As age and injuries catch up with us, the discs can herniate. A herniated disc occurs when the middle (the jelly) of the disc breaks through the outer wall, irritating a spinal nerve and causing severe pain in your back or leg. Researchers have found this most often occurs between the ages of 35-50.

Almost everyone knows someone who has suffered from pain caused by a herniated, slipped, or bulging disc. The pain can be so intense that many people think surgery is the only way to correct it. Well, we have good news. Research has shown people who chose Chiropractic adjustments had the same amount of relief as those who chose surgery! And what about those medications that mask the pain but fail to correct the problem? Well, research has shown Chiropractic adjustment to be significantly better than many of the common drugs prescribed for back pain. Here are some take away points:

Top-research journal, SPINE, has recommended the use of adjustments for back pain.

Adjustments were shown to provide significantly more relief than medications.

Adjustments have been shown to be just as effective as surgery for taking care of herniated discs.

Your spinal discs stay healthy by having strong muscular support and a full range of motion. Keep your spine stabilizing muscles healthy by committing to daily exercise. And what about maintaining a full range of motion? It’s easy! Chiropractic adjustments gently and effective help restore proper range of motion in your neck, mid-back, and low back. When your spine is moving well with appropriate support, you’re going to be feeling great!


Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain. SPINE. 2013
Manipulation or Microdiskectomy for Sciatica? A Prospective Randomized Clinical Study. Journal of Manipulative andPhysiological Therapeutics. 2010

Kids and Colic

There’s nothing like the sound of a colicky baby. If you’ve experienced this in the past, I hope that sentence didn’t send shivers down your spine. Colic is characterized by intense crying and fussiness for 3 or more hours a day, which conveniently starts just about the time you are getting ready to sit down and relax for the night! The symptoms associated with colic typically peak at around six weeks old and disappear by 3-4 months, but the time in between can be one of the most stressful for any parent.

The exact cause of colic is still unknown. The development of the gut, or digestive system, appears to be an important factor. Also, stimulation to their still-developing nervous system may play a role. While love and patience may be the best “medicine” for dealing with colic, researchers have also discovered that Chiropractic care may be beneficial. One study found that Chiropractic adjustments provided over a 2-hour decrease in crying time per day.
 Colic is defined by extreme crying or fussiness for more than 3 hours per day.
 There is no known cause of colic, but the development of the digestive and nervous systems
seem to be a key factor.
 Chiropractic care may be beneficial in reducing the symptoms associated with colic.

Dealing with colic isn’t easy, but try not to get too stressed out. Within a few months, the symptoms should naturally subside and all of those hours spent crying will be in your rearview mirror.

Science Source:
Colic. Mayo Clinic. 2018. The short-term effect of spinal manipulation in the treatment of infantile colic: a randomized controlled clinical trial with a blinded observer. JMPT 1999.